Mental Health + Mental Prayer

From Modern Emptiness to Divine Fulfillment


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Feeling lost in the chaos of modern life? Searching for true peace and fulfillment? Anxiety, stress, and a sense of emptiness are all too common. Many struggle with mental and spiritual challenges that seem insurmountable.

At the Divine Fulfillment Online Conference, top experts in psychology and spiritual theology bring decades of experience in both mental health and spiritual growth. Join our free 3-day event where mental health and mental prayer converge to provide practical training and guidance.

Transform sadness into joy, anxiety into peace, and spiritual dryness into contemplative fulfillment. Find clarity in decision-making, transform despair into hope, and experience eternal purpose.

By the Numbers

  • 1 in 5 Americans experience a mental health issue each year

  • 1 in 6 young people have experienced a major depressive episode

  • Suicide is the second leading cause of death of people ages 10-14 and 20-34

Heaven's Encouragement

"Be at peace. Do not look forward in fear to the changes of life; rather look to them with full hope as they arise. God, whose very own you are, will deliver you from out of them. He has kept you hitherto, and He will lead you safely through all things; and when you cannot stand it, God will bury you in his arms."

-St. Francis de Sales

"[People often] complain of interior trials, become melancholy, lose their health, and even give up prayer altogether for want of recognizing that we have within ourselves as it were, an interior world . . . We need not let ourselves be disturbed, nor give up prayer, as the devil is striving to persuade us.”

-St. Teresa of Avila

"In mental prayer, the soul is purified from its sins, nourished with charity, confirmed in faith, and strengthened in hope; temptation is conquered, sadness dispelled; drooping powers revive... inflamed with the fire of Divine Love. To mental prayer heaven is opened; heavenly secrets are manifested and the ear of God is ever attentive."

-St. Peter of Alcantara

Divine Fulfillment Transformation

  • Rumination On Hurts

  • Anxiety and Fear

  • Confusion About Identity

  • Inability to Focus

  • Meaningless Pain

  • Feeling Alone

  • Deep Inner Healing

  • Peace and Joy

  • Identity Found in God

  • Attentiveness to Grace in the Present

  • Meaningful Suffering

  • Communal Support


Archbishop Borys Gudziak

Archbishop Alexander Sample

Archbishop Joseph Naumann

Archbishop Nelson Perez

Bishop James Conley

Bishop Donald Hying

Bishop Edmund Whalen

Rev. Timothy Gallagher

Rev. Vincent Druding

Rev. Dr. David Songy

Br. Fred Cabras

Deacon Ed Shoener,

Association of Catholic Mental Health Ministers

Dr. David Jobes

Dr. Peter Kleponis

Dr. Aaron Kheriaty

Dr. Theresa Karminski Burke,

Rachel's Vineyard

Dr. Ken Buckle

Dr. Bob Schuchts

JP II Healing Institute

Neal Lozano,

Founder of Heart of The Father and Unbound

Dan Burke,

Founder of the Avila Institute

Sam Guzman

Founder of The Catholic Gentleman

Jamie Baxter

Founder and CEO of Exodus 90

Jason Evert

Founder of

Keith Nester

Down 2 Earth Ministries

Amber Rose,

Religious Hippie Podcast

And More...

Some Topics Covered...

Current Bishops on Mental Health

Bishop Strickland

“SOCA’s work to make [The Soul of the Apostolate] a way of life takes the person to the center of who they are. We are built to live from the soul and our modern world is starving for the food that nurtures the very core of our life as children of God. . . . (SOCA is) essential for feeding that hunger and changing our world.”

Abp. Borys Gudziak of Ukrainian Archeparchy, PA

“The mental health crisis is a profound challenge to the church and to our society. We must respond with generosity, hope, and compassion to everyone who needs help. We, as Catholics, can and must respond to this challenge with the hope and compassion of our Lord. Individuals with mental illness and those facing mental health challenges are created in the image and likeness of God. They retain their God-given dignity. If you or a loved one is struggling with mental health, our message is clear. You are the treasure of the church... As pastors we are not mental health professionals, but we can be mental health ministers. We can engage in this challenge by bringing the hope of the gospel, the message that God is eternal love and mercy. We can affirm the dignity of every person. We can raise the moral issue, that our society must do better at reckoning with the challenge of mental health in our day and age."

Bishop James Conley of Lincoln, NE

“Anxiety and depression weigh heavily on the lives of many people – often those people are youth and young adults. There is hope, though. I speak from experience. I have been on my own mental health journey that has taken me to the depths of darkness and then back to a life in which I once again experience joy and an even deeper love for our Lord... in 2020, I took a leave of absence to attend to my physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual health. This was a very dark time for me. Anxiety led to insomnia, which led to depression, which led to a loss of the sense of God’s presence in my life. I was overwhelmed by my responsibilities as bishop, and relying too much on my own strength. As I received good professional care, I learned that weakness is part of the human condition, but the more we rely exclusively on ourselves, the more those weaknesses are exacerbated. [Taking a que from St. Frances de Sales, I recommend that] throughout the day, before beginning various tasks, let us do three things: acknowledge, offer, and accept. Acknowledge that the Lord is with us and, if needed, ask for his help; offer whatever we are about to do up to him and place it in his hands; resolve to accept whatever happens.”

Bishop Robert Barron of Winona-Rochester, MN

“Mental health impacts all of us in some way. We’ve either experienced issues ourselves, or we know someone who carries the burden of depression, anxiety, loneliness, grief, or other form of mental illness. With that in mind, we want to empower Catholics everywhere... We also want to provide local Catholic communities with resources to engage in this work, to share and promote existing resources... in my own Word on Fire apostolate, which, as you know, is an online ministry largely, (and) I've seen how social media weighs on the young adults who engage there. Their experience of loneliness, isolation, and anxiety is heartbreaking... God is Love, and so the very ground of being is something like relationship and we're designed for that. [Love] is moving out of oneself, forgetting oneself, and moving into higher and richer forms of existence that's the way to look at it. Love is not a Sentimental state of mind. Love is a kind of metaphysical attitude. I break free of the black hole of my own self-preoccupation so that I can now immerse myself in in the real. So, when I'm talking to you and entering into your world and and showing a concern for you my world's expanded [and] a new dimension of being has opened up to me and now more and more and more I go out..."

Bishop Barry Knestout of Richmond, VA

“Human life is sacred and must never be abandoned or discarded... Every suicide is a tragedy. Assisted suicide facilitates tragedies and makes the most vulnerable even more vulnerable. Legalizing it would place the lives of people with disabilities, people with mental illnesses, the elderly, and those unable to afford healthcare - among others - at heightened risk of deadly harm... In the few states where assisted suicide is legal, this troubling reality has already taken root. For example, insurance companies have denied coverage for cancer treatment and other life-saving procedures but offered to pay for cheaper suicide drugs instead. And in Oregon, only 3.3% of the patients who died by assisted suicide since its legalization in 1998 were referred for psychiatric evaluation. People facing the end of life are in great need, and must be accompanied with great care and attentiveness. To address each of their needs and alleviate their suffering, patients deserve high quality medical, palliative, and hospice care - not suicide drugs. "

Bishop John Dolan of Phoenix, AZ

“I am a bishop, but before anything else, I am a human being who understands the severe toll of mental illness, especially when it is left untreated. As a survivor of suicide loss, I have experienced firsthand the pains of mental illness in my own family. Having lost my brother, Tom, my sisters, Mary and Therese, and my brother-in-law, Joe, all through suicide, I understand the importance of finding some comfort in our church and the gift it brings to so many people within our parishes and families... God chose to become one with us in our fragility. And through his own human fragility as Jesus Christ, he accompanies us... Perhaps we need to ask what it means to be perfect as God is perfect. The perfection of God is not achieved by cutting out and throwing away whatever is spoiled or wrong or broken, wounded or damaged. The perfection of God is wholeness, a taking up of all that has happened and is, and including it as part of life, and working with it redemptively, so that even the worst of experiences, the most terrible and destructive events in our history, become part of an ongoing creation, ever renewed."

Bishop Donald Hying of Madison, WI

“A startling truth that struck me as a young priest was the number of people I encountered in the parish who struggled with chronic depression, anxiety, chemical imbalances, a borderline personality, or other forms of psychological and mental challenges. Many of them were married, held jobs, volunteered in the parish, and were remarkably productive but suffered profound anguish in their minds and hearts. Sadly, a taboo still clings to psychological illness. Most people can talk about cancer, heart conditions, and medical treatments of all kinds, but problems of the mind are often feared and denied. I know very holy people who are stymied by an anxiety so severe that they find it difficult to go to church and be in a crowd with other people. Some folks struggle with depression so severe they feel their lives to be worthless and themselves to be unlovable. They find it challenging to pray. Others, because of emotional or psychological difficulties, may act or speak in ways that seem eccentric or off-putting to those around them. They may feel the rejection and derision of people who do not understand them. Those reading this who struggle with any sort of emotional or psychological challenge, please know of my love and prayers for you, the closeness of Christ and the Church, and our sincere desire to reach out, welcome, and serve you. You are not alone, your struggle is not shameful, and you are loved by God and are a beautiful member of the Body of Christ. You can become a saint precisely in the gritty and challenging reality of your life as you find it."



Disciple-Leader as of 2019; now married to a former SOCA member



“I just wanted to give you a big thank you to you and your whole team. It has made a very big difference in my life. I’ve realized that I have been ignoring a lot of things such as God’s will for me. The focus on mental prayer is what I think I was missing. In my head I already had preconceived ideas what I WANTED for myself. I was missing the point. So after SOCA, I really really focused on mental prayer and surrendered myself to God and I am so thankful to say that I am now discerning religious life and I will be visiting a religious order in January. So I just want to thank you for your amazing dedication to bring people closer to Christ through mental prayer."

Young Woman

One of many who have been inspired to discern religious life

“As a father of three, spending time with the Lord has too often been one of the first things I allow myself to neglect when my time is short... having a group of men that I know are committed to the same discipline has been a missing piece in building this habit. I am much more mindful of how I'm building my daily prayer. I am grateful to SOCA for offering this accountability. The advice shared by our missionary during these meetings is also a gift for tackling the particular challenges that present themselves each week.”


"SOCA pulls knowledge and wisdom from the Saints in a condensed format which is easy to follow, to discuss with others, and then, most importantly, to implement mental prayer as a way of life."


Disciple-Leader; Husband and Father of 5

What's Included

Over 40 Hours of Content from over 50 Speakers

Mental Health and Mental Prayer Plan of Life: Template Download and Walk-Through

Personal Outreach Staff for Mental Prayer

5 Step Mental Prayer Cheat Sheet

List of Catholic Resources for Mental Health


$299 (Included in SOCA Membership)

$199 (Included in SOCA Membership)

$399 (Included in SOCA Membership)

$199 (Included in SOCA Membership)

$199 (Included in SOCA Membership)

$249 (Included in SOCA Membership)

$199 (Included in SOCA Membership)

$299 (Included in SOCA Membership)


$99 (Included in SOCA Membership)

$199 (Included in SOCA Membership)

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$49 (Included in SOCA Membership)

Get Access Now For Free!


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beginnerS IN PRAYER




studentS AND YOUTH


apostolate leadeRS (LAY AND CLERGY)



Hi, the Divine Fulfillment Conference is run by us, the SOCA Outreach Team.

At the heart of the problems facing the modern world is souls with holes for God. The interior life (and the practice of mental prayer) is a key way to fill souls. Our vision is if just 1% of believers practiced this daily, the world and Church would change overnight. Our mission is therefore 1) to raise awareness about the interior life of prayer, and 2) to help people commit to the practice through interior life discipleship. This often entails a practical formation path through the stages of the spiritual life, 1-1 support, and communal accountability. Our team is made up of lay outreach coordinators. We are headquartered in Denver with Archbishop Aquila's blessing but operate remotely with disciples across the world.

Some things to note about SOCA...

  • helped over 1,300 commit to mental prayer in 2023

  • dozens of vocations as fruit of the work

  • helped raise awareness about the interior life to over 100,000

  • inspired by writings of the saints (esp. St. Teresa of Avila)

  • 6+ years of experience distilling 2,000+ years of wisdom

  • Learn more at



$197 (Included in PREMIUM)


$197 (Included in PREMIUM)


$97 (Included in PREMIUM)


$147 (Included in PREMIUM)


7 Secrets to Revive a Lukewarm Prayer Life EBOOK

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Meeting with Outreach Coordinator

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Tie in with Small Groups (Bible Studies, FOCUS, Exodus 90, etc.)

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Tie in for Families

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Tie in with Prayer Apps (think Hallow, Laudate, etc.)

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Frequently Asked Questions

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What is mental prayer or meditation?

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What is the daily plan like?

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New Age

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